Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Health Update

On December 7, 2019, I went into the hospital.

As of post time, I'm still there.


My family has a lot of hereditary health problems, the most important of which for our purposes is diabetes. I was first diagnosed with it in 2013, and was managing it through medication and checking sugar with a meter for a few months before the realities of my non-benefit having job made it so that I had to switch to managing it by diet. No more Pepsi for me (diet drinks only), cut way back on cereal because of the high sugar content of them, and so on.

This worked well for about five and a half years, up until the time when my information got plastered all over the internet thanks to an incompetent trade group. At this point, I feel like I began stress-eating which caused a spiral where I would only be able to play games on the weekend. This ended up flaring up a couple of weeks ago where I developed chills and what I thought was a fever, while my right big toe erupted with a massive infection.

I went to a doctor, was immediately referred to an emergency room, and have been in a hospital ever since. I'm getting antibiotiics four times a day while they try and drive my sugar count down. Originally it was thought that I might lose my toe or worse, but the antibiotics have done a good job in cleaning up the infection for the most part. I'll need a PICC line though, and I'll probably be off work for several weeks while this gets cleared up.

It turns out that there is an internet connection here, but I can't watch video on it very well. I can do text, and at some point I at least want to get back to doing the Nintendo downloads at NWR again. (Likely, this'll be Monday).

I didn't want to tweet-thread this, so here you go.

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